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ACES (宏致)

ACES (宏致)

ACES 宏致电子,专注于电子连接器的研发与制造,立足台湾,深耕大中华,以桃园为总部,于大陆东莞、昆山及重庆设立生产基地,并结合业界的精英,透过共同的信念及宏观的视野,串联起梦想与科技。

ACES 宏致电子,专注于NB、手机、数字相机等消费性产品所使用的连接器,拥有完整的产品线及规格,以扎实的研发技术及专业的分工作业,从射出成型、冲压制造到成品的组装,皆能一气呵成,不但能缩短开发时程,大幅提升产能与质量,同时也能满足快速的市场需求,不仅如此,更以自有的关键技术,研发高频,车用设备之电子零组件,持续扩大产品的广度。

2015年,ACES 宏致电子更积极展开产业的水平与垂直整合,除了加利斯电镀厂正式营运外,并与"大地电器"共同生产制造汽车线束,再与"龙翰科技"携手布局消费性与工业产品的线材市场,以整合产业技术与能量为目标,提升集团竞争力,提供予客户全方位的产品与服务。

未来,ACES 宏致集团,将继续透过质量、产能、交期等整合性服务,来争取国际大厂更多的肯定与信赖,更将不断寻求技术上的突破与精进,布局全球,以"连接器产业的领导品牌"为集团目标,创造更美好的未来。

Aces Electronics offers comprehensive connector solutions for a wide array of electronic applications, including NB Computers, Cellular Phones, Digital Cameras, etc., headquartered in Taoyuan Taiwan with overseas manufacturing facilities in Dongguan, Kunshan.

Aces provides shorter product development and production cycles to meet business and development goals through its matured capability in product development, tooling design/ fabrication, and well-established manufacturing processes. Its highly experienced team is committed to realizing customers’ vision in business and technology. Meanwhile, Aces is reaching out to wider spectrum of customers with its recent development in the area of high-speed/high-frequency telecommunications and automotive electronics.

In 2015, Aces is more aggressive on the integration of vertical & horizontal markets. Currently, the Electroplating Factory-Galis has been officially operated. ACES co-works with NTGEC on the Development of Automotive Wiring Harness, also, works with MEC on Development of Wiring for both consumer and industrial grade markets. The main target is to extract the experience on technology, and increase the capability to improve the competitiveness of quality and service.

In the future, ACES will keep focusing on quality, productivity, and speed to delivery to earn more trust of global companies. Keep looking for the advanced technology, then deploy to worldwide to achieve the leading brand of Connector.

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